has always had a strong interest in medicine, and more recently, in the impact
of the new biomedical sciences on medicine. An emerging area for sociological inquiry
is Regenerative Medicine (RM) which Andrew Webster has already published on. Its distinctive feature is the use of live cells
and tissues to treat disease, replacing diseased tissue and organs with new,
healthy and specially-grown tissue. There has been considerable social and
political controversy surrounding the use of cells, especially embryonic stem
cells, but these debates have largely subsided, and now RM is widely heralded as
potential source of cures for a range of illnesses.
field of RM, however, is still very much in its infancy, and there are very few
therapies available in the present day. Clinicians and investigators working on
new RM therapies are encountering many significant challenges relating to
financing, manufacturing, regulation, and organisational inertia. These pose
important questions that sociology can address, especially in terms of how
healthcare systems such as the NHS may – or indeed, may not – embrace and embed
biomedical innovation.
importantly, RM raises questions about ‘Life’, in the form of tissues and
cells, and how this is being manipulated, harnessed and in some cases
commercialised in the name of ‘health and wealth’. Simultaneously, new social
groups and agencies are forming to govern and facilitate this harnessing of
life. From a sociological standpoint, we may ask: how do these novel forms of
life reflect their cultural context? How do they change the boundaries of what
is seen as ‘life’ itself? What discourses are being mobilised to promote
innovation? What novel social organisations are emerging, and how do these
upset or reaffirm traditional professional divisions? Whose viewpoints and interests are being
heard, and whose are being ignored? And more broadly: how exactly are social
concerns and technological developments intertwined and shaping one
John Gardner |
Andrew Webster |
is these types of questions that are being addressed by our ESRC-fundedREGenableMED project. The project team comprises
ten researchers from the Universities of York (Andrew Webster, Graham Lewis and
John Gardner), Edinburgh, Birmingham and Sussex, with specific expertise in
science and technologies studies, law, commercialisaiton, and technology
horizon scanning. The three year project
is now into its second year, and we have been interviewing a range of
stakeholders in the RM field, as well as collecting reams of secondary data on
clinical and commercial activity, much of which is being collated in an
extensive database. Our first paper, which explores the perceived novelty of RM
will soon be published in RegenerativeMedicine in September. Ultimately, we hope that our broad, sociological
perspective on the field will enable us to inform and guide responsible
innovation in the area.
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