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To date
the Anthropocene has been an antibiotic epoch, marked by systematic (if patchy)
efforts to eradicate, control, and rationalise life. Widespread anxieties about
the pathologies of such modern forms of biopower are informing a probiotic turn
in the management of human and environmental health. Here formerly
taboo lifeforms and process are being reintroduced into our bodies, homes,
cities and the wider countryside. The aim being to use life to manage life,
securing the circulation of biological and geophysical process to deliver
desired functions and services. This lecture critically evaluates this turn, focusing
on the use of keystone species – ecologically significant animals capable of
regulating ecological dynamics – to restore target ecologies. It draws on
examples of rewilding in the ‘macro’ biome and biome restoration in the
microbiome to identify a common ontology and ‘environmental’ mode of biopower (after
Foucault 2010). The analysis offers criteria for critically evaluating the
political ecologies of these probiotic environmentalities and their potential for
hospitable government for, and beyond, the Anthropocene.
Jamie Lorimer is an Associate Professor in the School of Geography and the
Environment at the University of Oxford. His research examines popular and
scientific understandings of nature and the politics of managing life. Past
projects have crossed scales from elephants to microbes. He is the author of
Wildlife in the Anthropocene: Conservation after Nature (University of
Minnesota Press). His current book project examines the probiotic turn in
Western healthcare and environmental management.
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